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Doug Bellenger, VP of Products, Movitas
Doug Bellenger - VP of Products, Movitas
Wed - 04:00-05:00 PM, Ballroom E

During this talk, Doug will walk through Movitas’ successes and failures in creating a cross platform application that integrates destination information, communication functionality (messaging and calling), and social interaction for hotel and destination travelers. He’ll walk through the some of the development they’ve done to serve content to mobile web, hybrid applications, tablets, and desktops. He’ll also touch on the tools they used, working with multiple programming languages, creating API’s for internal use, hybrid versus native apps, and adjusting the presentation for different devices to meet users expectations.

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Rob Spectre, Twilio Evangelist
Rob Spectre - Twilio Evangelist
Wed - 10:15-11:15 AM, Ballroom E

Infrastructure-as-a-service can reduce your scale problems to triviality, lower the capital expenditure of your product launch, and other great buzz phrases.

But can it help you rock the mic on karaoke night? Rob Spectre from Twilio finds out by live coding a karaoke machine from an empty project.

Presentation Code
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Chris  Converse, Partner, designer and developer at Codify
Chris Converse - Partner, designer and developer at Codify
Wed - 02:45-03:45 PM, Ballroom E

Responsive Web Design has gained incredible momentum over the past year, and has lead to various strategies in web authoring. In it’s simplest form, CSS3 media queries allow us to manipulate elements of our page to fit multiple screen sizes. This alone can be enough to implement your web content to a broad array of users. When we combine features of CSS, such as absolute positioning and background images, with alternate HTML markup techniques, we can begin to alter the user expereince in addition to layout. Using HTML element as ‘containers’ for imagery allows us to use alternate imagery based ont he user’s screen size, decreasing download speeds on mobile devices. In addition, re-positioning elements gives to the ability re-order the appearance of elements, instead of simply resizing them.

When we add AJAX into the mix, we can begin to load advanced user experiences into our web pages. Adding JavaScript detections to our web pages allows us to load more engaging expereinces, while maintaining the advantages of optimized user expereinces. What’s more, the experience we load can be adapted to the device viewing the web page, such as mobile web experience framework.

Want to try it for yourself? Chris will be providing a free template to ETE attendees!

Article - Responsive Web Design Article - Responsive Web Experience
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Chiu-Ki Chan, Creator, Monkey Write
Chiu-Ki Chan - Creator, Monkey Write
Wed - 01:30-02:30 PM, Ballroom E

Unlimited bandwidth? Always connected? Yeah right! Truth is, wireless coverage is spotty, and sometimes the internet is simply not available. In this talk, I am going to discuss a few design patterns that make your app snappy when connected, fully-functional when not.

  • Caching strategies: persistent vs temporary
  • Progressive loading: use placeholders while fetching data
  • How to communicate freshness to the user in face of cached data
  • How to keep offline-generated data in sync with the server

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Dani Diaz, Microsoft Developer Evangelist
Dani Diaz - Microsoft Developer Evangelist
Tue - 10:15-11:15 AM, Ballroom B

We will look at the innovative Windows Phone platform and explain the philosophy behind its user experience design Metro. In this session we will show you how to take advantage of the Windows Phone platform and design principles that allow developers of all skill levels to create engaging and intuitive apps. We will cover the new features and how developers can benefit from the worldwide market opportunity. By the end of this session, you would learn how to design and architect an Windows Phone app from concept to reality.

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Brian Leroux, Phone Gap Hacker
Brian Leroux - Phone Gap Hacker
Tue - 01:30-02:30 PM, Ballroom B

PhoneGap hacker Brian LeRoux will talk about new breed of cross platform capabilities from the W3C called Device APIs, their relationship to HTML5, web standards, WebKit and mobile development with the most popular platforms. If you are interested in mobile web dev for iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone you’ll really enjoy this talk. You can expect live code, remote debugging and cloud compilation too.

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Corey  Latislaw, Sr. Mobile Architect, Chariot Solutions
Corey Latislaw - Sr. Mobile Architect, Chariot Solutions
Tue - 11:30-12:30 PM, Ballroom B

Android is evolving. Gingerbread and Froyo won’t last forever.

Bit rot sets in the moment you commit, but your code base can evolve by leveraging new APIs and best practices. Don’t wait until you’re left behind. Start using Fragments now so you won’t be relegated to the oldest OS versions on the market!

Corey will show you several techniques for starting a fresh project, renovating an existing Android code base, balancing use of new APIs, while remaining backward compatible, and optimizing for Android tablets. She has been using Fragments as long as they have been around in the XfinityTV app as well as her personal projects. She’d never start a new project with out them!
