Saul Mora, creator, MagicalRecord
Saul Mora - creator, MagicalRecord
Tue - 04:00-05:00 PM, Salon D

Everyone loves to hate on Core Data. It’s a very powerful framework with many great features for keeping your applications in an Object Oriented world while persisting your application’s data. What if Core Data were easy to use? What if the boilerplate code was eliminated? What if the threading model was understandable? Check out my answers to these problems in this session! And, of course we’re going to cover MagicalRecord :)

Ben Scheirman, Director of Technology, ChaiONE
Ben Scheirman - Director of Technology, ChaiONE
Tue - 02:45-03:45 PM, Salon A

Going from novice to expert requires years of practice. Yet "number of years” is still a poor indicator of how good a developer is. Good developers practice deliberately. This means going out of your way to experience new techniques, or repeating actions in order to build muscle memory. In this presentation, I’ll convey a list of tips & tricks that I have picked up in my continued journey as an iOS developer. I’ll cover quick tips that can save you time (like mastering the keyboard), software design practices such as identifying code smells, as well as refactoring & debugging techniques. No matter what your skill level, you’ll likely pick up something new you can use to be more effective as an iOS developer.

Don Coleman, author, Beginning NFC
Don Coleman - author, Beginning NFC
Wed - 01:30-02:30 PM, Salon E

The internet of things is everywhere, but how do you interact with devices? This presentation will walk through using Apache Cordova to communicate with Arduino over Bluetooth. Don will demonstrate how to write cross platform Cordova applications to receive data from devices and control devices over Bluetooth. We will also cover the difference between Bluetooth Classic and Bluetooth Low Energy.

Connecting Arduino and Phones with Bluetooth and Cordova
Filip Maj, Mobile Automator at SauceLabs, Apache Cordova committer
Filip Maj - Mobile Automator at SauceLabs, Apache Cordova committer
Tue - 01:30-02:30 PM, Salon D

Are you testing your mobile apps? Why not? Appium ( allows for UI testing in browsers, hybrid and native apps. Appium is open source, built on top of WebDriver for test compatibility and supports iOS, Android, and FirefoxOS. Fil shows how you can use Appium to test your apps across a variety of platforms, simulators, and even real devices.

Saul Mora, creator, MagicalRecord
Saul Mora - creator, MagicalRecord
Wed - 11:30-12:30 PM, Salon B

Mobile Apps are the new hotness. However, when it comes to building mobile apps, the new hotness can learn from some of the old skool design patterns made popular by the book Design Patterns by the Gang of Four. Many of the original design patterns introduced in this book are extremely useful in today’s network centric world. Classic Design Patterns can quickly solve problems using tried and proven techniques. However, technologies and other demands on our applications have changed, and new design patterns will emerge, many building on the old. Issues such as multi-core development, application security, peer to peer and app to app communications have introduced new problems for mobile application development, and we can gain insight for common, durable and robust solutions by looking for patterns.