Angie Singer Keating, CEO, Reclamere, Inc.
Angie Singer Keating - CEO, Reclamere, Inc.
Tue - 04:00-05:00 PM, Salon E

A growing body of disclosure law governing security breaches and data loss incidents, coupled with ‘the professional nature’ of the threats, is fueling an expanded focus on incident response, digital forensics, evidence collection, and proactive fraud detection. In addition, government and industry regulations require not only the aggregation of data and event management but also the ability to identify and take remedial action on incidents. This is supported by research indicating that the digital forensics market will exceed $4.8 billion by 2014. Attendees will be introduced to the fundamentals of IRP and will learn how to craft and implement an incident response planning program which relies on applied processes. A special emphasis will be placed on the requirements, responsibility, processes and procedures needed to provide a rapid and reliable incident response capability. Attendees will learn how to identify potential issues between management, public relations and legal counsel before they happen, how to deal with government and law enforcement officials, and understand how and when to engage forensic procedures.
